Meet Katya! She is class of 2020 Scholar and currently a junior at Middlebury College, where she is majoring in international politics and economics. This semester, Katya is studying in Madrid, Spain with fifty other Middlebury students. Study abroad opportunities are a huge draw for students, so we asked Katya to share some tips for fellow Scholars who are interested in learning outside of the United States.
Katya’s Tips
- Keep an open mind.
- If there is any time to step out of your comfort zone, it is now.
- Seize any opportunity granted to you.
Being open minded, stepping out of her comfort zone, and seizing opportunities is exactly what Katya is doing! She is taking two classes at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid – Immigration Multiculturalism & Human Rights and International Business Management.
Katya is also interning as the international relations manager at La Fundación Europea Sociedad y Educación. This nonprofit think tank focuses on critical analysis and debate surrounding cultural and social issues related to education. Katya shared that, “this has been a rewarding experience to contribute to such an important initiative.”
Since January, Katya has been living with “two wonderful Spanish girls,” and during Semana Santa, she had the opportunity to visit some beautiful parts of southern Spain, including Mallorca, Valencia, Sevilla, and Cadiz. She describes her time in Madrid as “an incredible experience that I will always cherish.”